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AV Jennings breaks ground at Kogarah, NSW

AV Jennings senior management attend a ground breaking ceremony arranged by Nazero who were the successful main contractor tenderer

Highgate Management are engaged to provide project management services to assist AVJennings deliver the proposed ”Prosper Apartments” at 2-10 Palmerston Street, Kogarah, NSW.  AVJ  internal development management team ked by Guy Sedunary are managing the development activites of Sales and Marketing, Project Funding, Legals and Internal Approvals and Budget Management.

The project scope involves the construction of a new eleven (11) storey mixed-use development with GFA 10,127m2 comprising (51) residential units, (4) serviced apartments and (1) ground floor retail lot. The building will include (3) levels of basement parking, bicycle store, communal roof terrace, external works and landscaping.

Key objectives are to deliver a high quality completed project to time, cost and quality targets and satisfy the requirements of the Sales Contracts.

The project is due for completion in early 2025.



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