Assignment not undertaken by Highgate but by the Highgate individual nominated below.
Role: Michael Jessett prepared a strategy report for NSW Health. The report investigated the options for accommodating the current and future (to 2011) spatial needs for various laboratories and administrative functions of the Division of Analytical Laboratories (DAL). Part of the DAL function is to provide Forensic & DNA analysis and drug testing for the NSW Police. The demand for these laboratory functions was currently not being met, with significant backlogs and demand for services is expected to increase markedly in coming years. Additionally the Public Health laboratory services provided by DAL were expecting increases in demand.
The objective of this Asset Strategy was to recommend the most cost effective solution to provide adequate facilities that meets the increasing demand for DAL services. It forms part of the Preliminary Outline Business Case and Service Procurement Plan.
The brief for this report was to assess the following four options for addressing the expanding spatial requirements of the DAL:
Option 1. New Build on Green Field site
Option 2. Add new wing to existing building
Option 3. Expand into Mineral Resources Building
Option 4. Move to Mineral Resources Building.
Completed: July 2005